More than 6,500 black Americans were lynched in the United States between 1865 and 1950.   

At least 38 were in Maryland.

These were often public spectacles; sadistic and grotesque displays meant to intimidate blacks and flaunt white superiority.  They were acts of domestic terrorism.

It’s clear that the legacy of racism endures in America's psyche and our society. We believe the injuries racism continues to inflict cannot be healed until it is confronted, that is: there must be truth before there can be reconciliation.

The Maryland Lynching Memorial Project is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) organization that works to advance the cause of racial reconciliation in our state by working to:

  • research and document the history of racial terror lynchings in the state;

  • advocate for public acknowledgement of these murders;

  • support the Maryland Lynching Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and;

  • honor and dignify the lives of the victims. 

Truth first.

Board of Directors

Will Schwarz, President
Pennant Productions, Ltd

Iris Barnes, Ph.D.
Lillie Carroll Jackson Civil Rights Museum

Lula Beatty, Ph.D.
Prince George’s County LMP

Emma Buchman
March On Maryland

Nicholas Creary, Ph.D., Vice President
University of Iowa

Nancy Goldring
Northeast Towson Improvement Association

Douglas Greenberg, Ph.D.
Rutgers University

Amy S. Millin, MSW, MA, Treasurer
National Council for the Traditional Arts

Terry Anne Scott, Ph.D.
Institute for Common Power

Elinor Spokes, Secretary
Beth Am Synagogue